This is the market at work, and it is a beautiful thing.
Seriously,, thank you.
For far too long I was trapped into Charter's uncompetitive pricing, unreliable connectivity and craptacular customer service. Why? I don't recall exactly how they phrased it, but I think it was something along the lines of "Because we're the only game in town, so screw you, that's why."
No more.
IF you've already switched FROM whatever local cable company has you locked in for internet providing TO, rock on.
If not, good, today is your lucky day.
You can switch to's wifi internet - no need for a phone line or frigging coax drilling holes in your house every time you reestablish service.
You just plug in their wifi modem and away you go (provided you're in one of the cities they're in, like Atlanta, Las Vegas or Portland. Also maybe in Texas, Idaho and Washington).
It is so sweet. I'm happy with it, and not just because they're not Charter.
AND with my referral code - r74fy5 - you get 10$ worth of music downloads. (And I get something too- of course I'm not posting this for free.)